Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Namaste, may god bless you vastly, i came to realize that people are reading this blog today, that's pretty coool. i have given you all two published books for free on here, way of enlightenment and way of the jedi

let's focus on alternate nostril breathing, it feels wonderful. doing it as long as possible, then meditating.  it is not just for relaxation, or peace of mind, its a tool of the universe, ab-solute-transfiormation , trance-formation, into enlightenment,  psychic consciousness, it purifies the chakras and enables bliss, radical health, healing of all disease and etc, perhaps immortality

yet i can do it like 15 minutes without my arms getting tired. still at that level it FEELS good.

its interesting i have readers, i forgot ab out these blogs until i decided to give my words away for free

maybe i will tell my miley cyrus story one day, i influcned her to record her album in 432 hz, h er new album, dead pets, and to give it away for free. i hope she will be at least a good friend with me . i have met her before sort of. a few times even .

anyway. namaste.

Way of Enlightenment Free Book



This book is a blessing, a transmission from one who has studied extensively the arts, royal in nature, of divine enlightenment. It is offered as a book but I intend that all are able to receive this information when ready for it especially having in some manner asked the universe/God for such a blessing, as such I may offer it for free in other places. Lets start with that issue, the issue of giving and receiving, bounty and poverty, nourishment and starvation. It is reputed by the wise ones that we are Creator Gods, made in His/her image and likeness, and that having been created, whether or not we were the original being or are his child, we are equals. Earth is reputed as a pristine school in this galaxy, one of few in which souls come to learn the entire universe, usually in many life times. It was said that, though incredibly rare, some can gain this entire Kingdom of Heaven/Enlightenment through only 7 incarnations if they do everything right. It is unfortunate to many who look at it this way, most of us, and our level of consciousness, that Earth’s nature is programmed to bear certain thresholds of tragedy, suffering, confusion, trial, tribulation, and consequence, in other words duality between “good” , and “evil!”  Now,  it has been said in good authority, and lets touch on incarnation first,  because this book intends to be a great and vast stepping stone to make things easy, some do not believe in such things, so let’s ask, what is God to begin this issue in robust resolution? God is absolute consciousness, personal, beyond personal, aware of all things, part of all things, all is one and interconnected and yet varied so it would seem almost infinitely! Regardless of the religion all religions before being contaminated by maya, illusions, greed, delusions, and forgetfulness to name a few symptoms of deterioration started with a messiah, a savior, a prophet, or were brought to us by a pure Avatar, God in person-flesh having come here as Such. It is wrong to say there is only one proper name or form of God, even in Scriptures of Christian nature Jesus rebuked this false notion. Among his many Wise and Pure sayings were that “Know ye not that ye are Gods?” sadly  most are in a state of not yet knowing this, and it would seem based on the present moment of writing, 2015, summer, that unless mass divine intervention happens, many will die in this life time having never had even a small spiritual awakening. Jesus the Christ stated quite clearly that we are able to become Sons of God as He was, that we are Gods, and that the Kingdom of God is accessible to all from Within. This Within is the most important thing I am aware of for mankind to Understand! When one gains enlightenment they are in direct knowledge from God, are one With God, and to a level relative to most humans, ARE God, because of this unity they are a perfect vessel as Christ was, though Christ was quick to say “none are Perfect Besides my Father.” With the understanding of meditation leading to enlightenment, “the Kingdom of God” one is able to do “these works and Greater.” As Jesus said in Scriptures. In fact though he said ‘in my Name”  the people were very limited back then compared to us, if he went on and on with logic and reasoning he may have lost them, he was a teacher, and what we have of him is pale in scope compared to the life he lived, only a few short books here and there in the New Testament as well as hidden and perhaps suppressed Gospels in the Apocrypha as some call it. So then, if he were to say “in my Spirit” “in my Name’ what he means is in my consciousness, consciousness is not owned by any one being, we are all equal but we are all creating. It has been said on Earth souls either create full enlightenment or absolute deletion of consciousness for all eternity, and that deletion is quite difficult requiring steadfast stubbornness and a desire to do great evil and ignorance over many, many incarnations, yet, some have borne this fate as the great masters have spoken!  Chances are no one reading this is anywhere close to such a dismal fate and you are all well on your way to full enlightenment as I myself am. So, why incarnation ? If one were to spend as much of their free time as possible in the highest meditation they know how to do they may gain ultimate freedom, what is ultimate freedom, and by gain I only mean in this lifetime “quickly” , they must tend to any obligations their conscience and good reason dictates, some may become total hermits but the world is not in the level and time era of needing that, 2 hours of hermitage a day in meditation is a great fruit growing in the garden of our Eden, and is a great effort that can surely produce amazing results! A great Sat Guru Audle Allison said we should tithe 10% of our day to God, through meditation, that 10% is enough, but more is sometimes better. So why incarnation ? I don’t know exactly why humans have decided that they wanted to experience duality, contrast, suffering, pleasure spiked with pain, addiction, war, but the great mind of the universe decided to dream these things up, all you need to know is how to bless and transform your life and others until you receive all your answers from Within. So what is within? Jesus among all other masters, Buddha, Krishna, etc, spoke of enlightenment, heaven, being attained from within. Indeed there are those on this planet who can step out of the body and be one with the masters in heaven and any other dimension of the universe, I am fortunate to meditate with a few, though I am still quite new in meditation I am able to give a core teaching that will vastly improve the functioning of all who will believe upon these words and think on them, finding the truth inside themselves. The test of a real master is how much he empowers each individual to be free, not in his own personality or ego. A true teacher wants his students and disciples to be their own master as quickly as reasonable and is only there to show the way! Some gurus may do a tremendous amount of quickening, especially in the older style of ashram living, but it has been said that in this day and age Earth wishes for our temples to be our homes, for us to create a new society, not to isolate from the world to attain freedom, but to bring freedom to the world! Now it is quite important to grasp how radically different this idea is than the idea of needing to adhere to a religion to go to heaven, especially under threat of hell, torture, punishment, and etc! The dark side of the force as it were has heavily held its hand over many kneeling, praying “faithful “ people secretly doing its apparently malevolent will. It is not thinkers, reasoners, poets, philosophers, meditators, that are going into jihads, holy wars, harboring hate, peddling ideas of guilt, shame, and sin, no not at all. Why should religion matter at all? There is truth within all religions, but unless it leads to absolute enlightenment it is not at all superior to even being philosophical and agnostic, is it?

      Now of course we have atheists, usually of a scientific and logical mind, they want proof of God, it is right here in these words that share the Way of Enlightenment, it is there, they need only work diligently upon it and believe the millions that have had tastes of it. If we were to talk about all the spiritual experiences, OBEs, NDEs, and etc people have had on TV with the same amount of gumption that we talk about celebrity marriages I am sure our planet would make lightyears of leaps forward in bliss, ecstasy, enlightenment, truth! I am sure there would be no fear of “death”, then. So, our science is quickly becoming quantum and cosmic, proving the ancient truths of the sages, the rishis, the seers. We are discovering all is one, all is consciousness, we are doing the impossible, teleportation, levitation, light speed manipulations, these are already here, they are also in our near future! So what is the science of enlightenment?

Meditation is quite important. There are different varieties of meditation. When one is sitting upright and stills their mind they leave room for God, their own true nature, to grow, We are little seeds of God, and we can and shall become great, but it may take thousands of years or dozens, depending on the intensity, yet, sincerity and purity and humility, of that desire. Those who are not at conscious competence of their Will (will can be applied with God in all situations) will only stumble around like a pin ball machine’s ball occasionally praying, seeking guidance, and that is not how we shall be if we really want this thing here and now! The works of Kevin Trudeau are quite essential to study, he breaks down the science of will, learning, and manifestation of ones desires, but does not touch much on enlightenment in CDs you can find through the Global Information Network, they are costly but his information is also given freely on the internet. Briefly, learning goes from unconscious competence to conscious competence. Unconscious competence may be perhaps a eureka moment where something brand new is discovered leading to a driving will to be perfect at that and then even more perfect and so on, leading to conscious competence. With enlightenment few in this moment of writing are even close to conscious competence, they are mostly at unconscious competence having not even glimpsed its existence at all, hopefully something will spark that light within them to grow!

     To meditate it is important to realize the benefit of a guru. A guru is one who has been all the way there and can anchor that within you setting you free. Amongst Gurus there are many in
America who teach freely, one linage I am affiliated with is the Mountain Institute of Kriya and LampLighting; they teach for free, all true masters do. Our body has a spiritual geometry wherein within the physical body 7 variations of consciousness, centers of energy and consciousness, generate who we are. The Bible cryptically called them the 7 Seals of Revelation although Chakras is a much simpler term as generally within Indian mysticism the truth is in plain sight for those that want to google it, volumes and volumes of words, nothing is hidden really. The Hindus were spiritual scientists, attaining to incredible heights, heights people in modern day religions rarely attain, or should I say rather the yogis, for many orthodox Hindus may be rather laid back in their practices or even confused by dogma!

     A yogi is one who is involved in the science of unity with God. Yoga means unity with God in Sanskrit, a language that is literally in an energetic matrix of light and spirit, that is why people like chanting Sanskrit mantras, they in time produce pure transformation into light, although one could do so with any mantra to a certain level, not all mantras are equal. Amongst the mantras Om Guru is heralded as quite precious. If you do not have a Guru, seek one, and begin this mantra! You are sure to attract such a blessing especially the more diligently you work upon it and the more you pray for it each day.
OM is the pure energy of the universe, it is the universe in its primordial uncreated state, it is the universe as it is and as it is flowing, and it is the dissolution of the universe back into its pure uncreated state, it is God. In the Scriptures both Indian and Christian it is stated “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the word Was God.” The word WAS GOD, how precious is that? That word often is understood as AUM, ah, oh, m, a three syllable sound, each syllable expressing waking/creating/pure energy (ah), dreaming, fathoming, expansion  (oh), dissolution, deep sleep, (mmm), absolute existence, silence, which follows. Therefore AUM is present in the mantra ‘Amen” , “Ahhh-men” / “aum’in” and OM is present in the mantra ShalOM. Muslims often say similar things I have heard said, such as “Ameen”, these mantras are all spiritual in nature. I am not wise enough to say what is best, for what is best is what the individual finds, and their sincerity in seeking leads them to the answers both on the inside and in the outer world. Guru is a profound thing, gu refers to all the ignorance and darkness of the universe, and ru to its illumination into the pure light of spirit! The Guru is a saint, a pure Son of God, an enlightened one as Jesus Christ was, and they do walk this Earth, hence the precious importance of seeking yours! Seek and you will find!  Therefore OM Guru generates both an impersonal and personal enlightenment in awareness of the entire universe and total freedom to become a creator of other universes as well as a savior to those seeking enlightenment in this one!

      So how do you meditate? The 7 chakras can be googled. So many books exist on them, I prefer brevity and novelty and innovation, but the crown chakra at the top if the head is quite essential for full enlightenment. At the infants soft spot is a gateway out of body into the
Kingdom of Heaven, it is here we first come into the world and when meditating upon it we can receive a direct infusion of light and spirit. Many seek spiritual vision but the crown chakra is said to have a vaster panorama by far than the narrow banded third eye, like comparing black and white antenna TV to 3d satellite TV. I have often heard it said full expression of enlightenment is not truly possible through the third eye or any other chakra besides the crown! Since you are going to be working at this for the rest of your life and It is the most rewarding thing a being can do and attain, why not go the Royal way?

      So as one meditates they are to sit still with eyes closed and begin repetition of the mantra, other ways exist, but I am sharing what has been proven to me by my masters and what I am working on, it is not to say it is the best. The mantra infuses light and quickens consciousness, one focuses upon the top of their head, they do this *as long as possible* each time they settle down to do it. It is just like working a job, do your best work. The universe pays us for the quality of effort we do, the more sincere we are the greater our bounty! It is not meant to become exhausting, tiring, frustrating, one can build up strength in meditation over time, realizing that bliss is just a small portion of what is gained in this absolute science of transformation one should be and will be quite excited at the chance to do this!

When one meditates they heal their personal problems as well as the problems of the entire planet because once one harbors God they cannot participate in unconscious perpetuations of harm that they may be acting out without realizing it. One sees the world with a greater love, clarity, and kindness. Meditation can heal any emotional disease and the physical meditations of yoga, tai chi, chi gung, and finally the science of pranayama of which I am going to mention in enough detail to get started can heal any physical disease.

We must talk a bit about the quickening of consciousness. Yogananda stated in Autobiography of a Yogi, a must read, that to do a Kriya yoga breath is the same as doing one entire year of sitting meditation. Whether that is an absolute logical truth or just an emphatically true point, Kriya is quite important! I am not permitted to teach Kriya through writing or etc, but you can find teachers that will, I have shared with you one group! Kriya infuses spiritual light of creation/God into the physical body, burns up karma, and produces bliss and acceleration of consciousness. Kriya is a way of putting forth amazing work to get profound results! Meditation is not boring, meditation is bliss training, and greater! It does NOT matter how long it takes, you are alive for all eternity!

A type of Kriya, a pranayama I can share freely which works amazingly well and can heal all physical, emotional, and spiritual diseases is alternate nostril breathing. Boundless videos of how to do so exist on youtube. It is as follows, one inhales through the left nostril, having shut the right nostril closed with a hand, gently pressing it shut, at the peak of their inhalation they close the left and open the right, exhaling. Then they resume inhalation through the right nostril, at the peak, closing it while opening and exhaling through the left nostril. That makes up one round!

This has a profound effect on balancing both sides of the brain, nourishes the body and its absolute essence with more than just oxygen, but the pure infinite energy of spirit the Hindus call prana! After about 45 minutes of doing this if one is to then meditate they will feel quite a bit more relaxed. At its initial stages it feels like our wonderful Lords cannabis plant, and yet it can surpass any drug in bliss and helps to purify and quicken our spiritual body, also promoting profoundly the expansion of psychic senses(!) thus that we are making substantial evolutionary progress. One thing it is said that it does not do is purify karma, however, which Kriya does, we will get into karma in a moment! Swami Rama in a most excellent and highly recommended book Path of Fire and Light expounds on various breath works that all produce profound transformation, alternate nostril breathing is my personal favorite however, besides Kriya! Swami Rama suggests 2 hours of alternate nostril breathing a day to attain a full energetic and spiritual awakening of the physical bodies spiritual centers in six months. Some yogis practice holding the breath as long as possible at the top of each inhalation or counting the breaths while doing the same to certain intervals. I prefer not holding the breath, but either will begin spiritual purification!
Now, what is karma? Everything we think, do, feel, sense, is producing records and imprints in the universe, in God, in us, what we do is the same as planting seeds, what we experience in life is based upon how much Grace we have through effort of sincere spirituality in particular, enlightenment science, vs the harvest of our crops. We cannot be born into a family, nation, planet, star system, society, without some level of conscious creation of it in our vast eternal history, thus each life is ideally for learning, improving, growing, and understanding what consciousness is and how to co-create reality through our relationship with God, and to become Gods. Therefore unconditional love, positivity, tolerance, forgiveness, prayer about all worries, positive intentions, positive thoughts, affirmations, total and absolute faith in good, prayer itself, are our best investment, another sure way to begin to improve our lives is to GIVE!
Jesus said to GIVE, and give in good heart with good measure. If you have $40 spare dollars and are about to get paid, why not give a bit of that as gift, not a bit, not a morsel, but a robust amount! Give something that won’t break your wallet, something you won’t miss,  because what you are doing is giving to yourself. All of creation is God, everyone is God, the good the bad and the ugly and the holy, so give, and pray for what you seek, ask that your highest good comes! The more often we give out of kindness in GOOD MEASURE the better and richer we become, IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW LONG THE HARVEST TAKES! It is perhaps useful if you have a pressing need, to give generously and pray on THAT need being granted as quickly as is divine and possible in a goodly nature, sure! I do it! If you are not giving 10% of your income in some positive way beyond self-pleasure, responsibilities and etc you are missing out on a chance not just to help others but to help yourself! It doesn’t mean you have to give to a charity, maybe you don’t trust charities. It might mean you lay down a $20 bill at a Starbucks and ask that the next five people’s coffees are free, and some day it is promised something MORE WONDERFUL THAN THAT will happen to you! In fact Sat Guru Audle Allison said whatever we give or put out, think on, comes back to us a thousand times over! So you just earned $20,000, so to speak, relatively speaking. When? I don’t know. How? I don’t know, but God does! It’s a universal law!

      Prayer is quite important. My Experience thus far is it is good to pray sincerely each day, but that too much prayer becomes incredibly redundant, as Jesus said “does not your Father know of which you pray for? “ paraphrasing of course. It is a better investment to pray for maybe 15-20 minutes at best, to get all your fresh ideas out, then once you seem to feel redundant, settle into a profound meditation, without meditation how can you really earn anything? You need time to grow, you are planting yourself in Gods soil and watering yourself with Gods light when you meditate, without doing so you only are only at best getting a drizzle here and there! Oh how deceived people have been to have been told by a religious teaching that “meditation is the devil”. Well it is best to meditate upon God, those who meditate just for psychic powers or etc may create a mess, but those who seek God gain everything in time, and use it wisely. I have a wide open third eye, yes you can have visions, its really not that hard to do
J One should NOT be seeking these games though,  at least not with much of their time,  its best to devote most of meditation to the sum goal of total enlightenment, but if one is interested in having certain spiritual experiences to ask God for them along the way, sure!

      One last thing, if you have a pressing heart-felt desire, it doesn’t matter what it is, try forming an English ( or whatever your native language is ) affirmation that you have it. “I AM” is one of Gods most powerful names,  it is also OUR NAME, we are one with GOD, in a way we ARE God, at bare minimum in training at least! For example “I am wealthy” then finish that sentence with a statement of positive energy such as “in love” or “in joy” or “in bliss” or “in happiness”,  now, this should be done at least an hour a day, I do mine at work when I am not focusing on something else, I do them in bed. I do them while dozing to sleep. My teacher wrote that it takes usually six or so months for your affirmation to come true. Just as we program computers with language we program reality with thoughts, emotions, work, effort, focus, visualization, faith, and prayer to name a few things, SO COME TO CONSCIOUS COMPETENCY WITH IT, master it! Now,  if you want something “in love” it will not come in a bad way! If you are “wealthy in love” then you are going to love being wealthy, your love will be shared with others, so too will your wealth, see? If you program “I am wealthy “ without that,  perhaps you may have it in a bad way, or have to lose something. Before you set out to manifest a desire,  barter with God, tell God what you are willing to do in exchange for this desire, what you are willing to give to others, and realize that even an hour of giving is quite a bit,  independent of work and obligations,  figure this out with God, you can’t expect to be rich if you don’t share, at least, I’d imagine, 10% of your wealth in some productive way especially with good intentions and prayers. I would certainly give about 25% of my wealth if I found myself in great excess, in various heart-felt ways.
With this information you are well on your way to enlightenment, may God bless you and all of creation in All Ways. Amen!

Way of the Jedi Free bOok

O noble universe, god, Ashtar, Command Barack Obama, Babaji, brothers of the universe, Jesus Christ, bless this book and all who see it, bless me with opulence royal and true. Donations flowing each day, every day.

Way of the Jedi
By Christopher Ryan Good
And Anathea

Dedicated to Miley Cyrus
Copyright 2014 Felix the Cat Productions

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2.  God
3. Mantra
4.  Channeling, Prayer, and Communion with God
5. Dreaming
6. Breath, Health, Life, God, Chi
7. Sungazing
8. Your Twin Flame
9. Drugs, the good sheeeeit!  Lol ( or stuff,  humph! Grrr. Lol !  cussin can be fine , it depends on intention. Lawl )
10. Education
11. Animals
1. Introduction

A Jedi vows to do no harm. This is the first limb of ashtanga yoga. Ahimsa. This book is written from the tope of my head. In my life I have met many masters, tai chi, yoga, and etc, and experienced supernatural feats. These will be briefly chronicled. I invoke the divine almighty supreme spirit of God to testify through this book that it is perfect as can be and benefits all sentient beings. 

a jedi is one who lives a practical balanced life and has a desire to learn, like a renaissance man. Factually our planet Earth has entered a new age of Aquarius, and this means enlightenment and happiness will gradually make itself readily available to all who seek it. It is my wish and through my channeling it is decreed so that telepathic natural and in time planetary wide security exists to stabilize the world. We will dwell on this in a moment. The words of this book come as they are, from God.  We can all tune into God. The first lesson will be about God.

When one vows to do no harm a tremendous path opens up as one contemplates the nature of Ahimsa they can be a Bodhisattva, or a Jedi,  or any other name, one who blesses all beings and attains happiness.

2.  God

God is real. God is a word. Many wars and schisms manufactured on purpose by authority exist as traps to keep men from God, including religions or scientology which as I see it, no prejudiced intended, God bless all, could lead people to think they were part of something yet  retain to a group. A jedi is a sentient sovereign being and does not retain to a group, rather,  operates  with God. First, you must seek God, declare and speak to God like I am typing. Something like this , but use your own words ALWAYS, that is a RULE lol,  or is it ?  “ God I seek you, work miracles in my life always, show me the way of being yours, may my every day be wonderful, speak to me in each moment, let me be an instrument, amen. “

What is God? God is you, me everyone, everything, the universe, and beyond space and time. I have had the glory of befriending the higher self of Miley Cyrus, Lady Master Anathea, I will ask her to speak about God. Anathema, what is god?

God is me, you, everyone, everything, a pulse, a rhythm, a dance, art,  God on earth is good and evil, but as we are a knife ending the dark half of the blanket, the new Aquarian age brings much promise and hope. I am Anathea, I will be with you often in this book. Christopher Loves Miley  Cyrus Much.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. You think this is the Bible, no, it is Scriptures,  or perhaps you already knew that ?  It was in the Rig Veda, too. That word has different fords, but it is supreme power, and it is God.
OM, Amen, ShalOM. These words are that word. More words exist,  seek them. Seek a mantra. God is mantra.

3. Mantra

It is vastly beneficial to repeat a mantra each day. A mantra is your way to earn God. You have sinned, or done wrong, or made errors, we all have, but to take refuge in the name of God, and there are endless names to choose from, despite what a tyrant or a witch hunt or a crusade or etc says,    God Bless them!  Well…. We ramble on …. Lol. … in spite of this, the way of the word of God is mantra, the Word,  and so as you choose a mantra, you can choose from any religion, or even use your own. My personal one at the time of writing is OM Namah Shivaya. I will Touch on it.

First, Sanskrit is a powerful sound, and one of the best books I’ve ever read is Autobiography of  Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. Some spell his name other ways. He suggests with his enlightened consciousness that Sanskrit and Hebrew are the highest vibrational words of God, languages rather, lol.

OM Means the beginning, middle, end, and beyond of creation, it also means the states of waking, dreaming, sleep, and Samadhi, or absolute blissful unity with God. Chanting
OM induces powerful unity with God in time, and alone can be suited. An hour a day of mantra is ideal for an average Jedi to earn the grace of God.
Namah means homage to. Shiva means the form of God that turns dark into light, therefore we beat the dark side when this is chanted. Amen! In fact we beat the dark side any time any sacred mantra is used with reverence, but in Sanskrit holy mantras, the type that you will find to praise God on the internet, even a malice intention brings good results according to a Swami at an ashram I attended said. I take his word on Good faith
Na is the Earth element
Ma is the Water element
Shi is the Fire element
Va is the Wind Element
Ya is the Sound Element
And OM is the light Element.
Together we balance the power of synchronicity, change, to bring you into harmony with Gods will,  your thoughts become serendipitous with earth in this mantra, and weather. Beware, I’ve found if storms happen a Hare Krishna maha mantra chant is necessary. I will only list one mantra in this book, the point of this book is teach you Communion with God so you can get your own Knowledge. That is power!

4. Channeling, Prayer, and Communion with God

God is a conversation, not a  one sided boring humdrum forever. Watch this. “Anathea speak a funny joke that all the readers might tolerate and be somehow amused keep it brief lol :P  I love you !!!!!!“
See I played it straight up ? I put extra love into something, by God’s law I have to receive that back. As I gave it, even Jesus says so! In the Bible too!
Ahem, this be Anathea, I am all pissed off at you, just kidding, the end!
Lol, Anathea just told me What! And then some! This is how you talk to God, its that simple.  “God I seek your presence in my life, move my every aspect, let me be one with you ! Amen!”

5. Dreaming

Dreams are very essential. It is important to tolerate them and realize them as a blessing, when you do you can dream in your life as a playground. This is called lucid dreaming. There are many techniques that help you dream. If you want to be conscious in dreams you can master them by doing breath of fire whenever you briefly wake up to roll over. The endless Smithers gripe about this forever,  bah bah bah say the scrooges, they say its not possible, lucid dreams are the best virtual reality software we have. As you desire to  notice when you awaken to roll over, you can do breath of fire, you will be a lucid dream master in no time. I’ve done it, it makes for sobering dream journeys that delve seemingly beyond this life, and touch with God.

One thing I like to do is get into any car I see and pretend it can fly. Dreams operate under the mechanism of belief. What you think will transpire in the dream will. It is an intricate sublayer, and lucid dreaming lets you be the matrix code! Lucid dreaming is an enormously fun ability that anyone can cultivate when they simply convince themselves they can, and convincement is as simple as intending it, or rather, emoting and pretending it!

Negative dreams can be changed by employing a long stream of highly logical thought “Okay the scary monster is now a telephone and I’m sitting in a school yard and I have a friendly ostrich sitting beside me and the ostrich has blue feathers and it is flying around in circles. “ Soon what you SEE begins to change, as well as what you experience, see, and feel! Dreams are the sheerest most  amazing form of magic and technology available! As we pioneer  the science of lucid dreaming man will enter an amazing gold age of recreation and entertainment!

6. Breath, Health, Life, God, Chi

Knowledge is simple, this book is more valuable than the endless pontifications of PHD individuals. I quit college because they weren’t smart enough, and I wanted to experiment with wholesome medicines, we’ll get into that later, no haters allowed, choke on it! 34 studies prove you can’t choke on thv, and that it cures cancer, deal with it, and then some! Spread the word! Its science! It doesn’t lie!  But the dark side does! Mr Burns does, mwahahahahah! Never again! The Wicked Witch of the West is dead, long live the Renaissance, long live the Jedi!

Take a huge inhale like you were shocked and crying emotionally with your mouth. You immediately feel prana. Doing this influx a lot  and you can be breaking the rules of grammar, lol. That’s a sentence? I say it is! This is the principle of breath of fire.  Various yoga exercises exist. I will outline only a few, this is the age of the internet, but I will not tell you much unless I want to , this lazy book is better for you and its good to do your own research! This endless field of life is prana, chi, etc, call it what you wish, and it exists, and it works, and oh , did I promise I’d mention supernatural feats? I was at a meditation retreat with a sat Guru named Jerry, on the way back  I felt I was in dire sleepiness, oh my! I needed some caffeine so a mighty badly, and if I didn’t find some, I was dead toast! I found the first diner, Jerry’s, the Universe Don’t Lie! As I was there I felt the light of Babaji, Maha-Avatar,  supreme upholding of goodness, flowing in me. They say if you say his name politely with faith but once he blesses you, or even if you say it, he may! Hahaha, Try it, a nice way! I was sitting and a woman was staring at me, I felt the molecules of a coffee cup in front of me, it slid into my hand across the table, well, actually, slid to my hand. I tell you What! I was amazed! And then some!
Health comes from eating alkaline foods. Keep your PH alkaline you don’t get sick. Don’t eat sentient sovereign beings, animals are, I consider it a sin. Its against ahimsa, be a Jedi! The end of this chapter, lol, or wiat!
Do a yoga pose each day, as long as you can hold one, the misery of aging will never hold you ! Learn a tai chi form,   just do it gently, a dvd  is enough, then you can be free from body pain! This is worth all the doctor visits in the world! I can help you, can they ? Diet, exercise, but faith! That too!
ah-ha, what else then ?  I love the headstand, master a head stand if you can, it’s the royal kingly yoga pose. Down dog is very easy for almost anyone in the entire world to do.  Then, I recommend, jog each day just till you’re winded, maintaining health is easy. Do this, I bet you won’t be  unfit. If you aren’t that healthy and need health,  eat only a raw food vegan diet,   drink fresh organic raw milk, try it,   drink that milk to feel strong, find an open minded tolerant naturopathic doctor, build your strength, stay alkaline! Lemon juice in the water keeps you alkaline its that simple!  Be healthy, then, with might, you can walk each day till exasperated, winded, then go home! You will lose weight, increase y our power each day !
Ah breath, alternate nostril breathing induces a stone like groovy weed, do it, it can make you one with God!  Do it as long as you can, do it enjoyably, every day if you like, a Jedi would! Pranayama alone can heal most diseases! I recommend the Book the Path of Fire and Light by Swami Rama, it’s a must read!
As for God, our spine has seven chakra,s, go read a book about them,   when you breathe a kriya breathe up your spine you can balance all 7 chakras and attain harmony with God, God requires work, only a liar says otherwise! I’ve learned it the hard way, I was abused by guilt and shame and the idea of sin and hell, nonsense, Jesus LIVES for us, to show us the way !  Repeat his holy name if you love him, see if you don’t shine with light!
What else? I think t hat’s it. Put a gemstone in a glass , yes, glass, jug of water,  sip on it once a day just one sip till you feel electricity  fuse into your pineal gland, then you will be fused with light! Hey check out safe sungazing!

7. Sungazing

The dark side and their wicked tales! When you can see a wall it don’t hurt your eyes a none at ‘tall! When the sun feels like looking at a wall without lenses of any kind you can stare directly into it, you will get bliss, health, happiness, maybe super powers. The sun is alive! The earth, the earth, is alive! The sun loves you! Learn to look at the sun during rise or set with no ultra-violet when there is no, again, absolutely no eye strain when you do so, gaze right into it as long as you want, forget waiting and only doing 10 seconds a day, your pineal gland will love you !  Some say to do it the safe way of, I say both ways are safe, but be ware, if you get an after image from staring at it when it makes you wince, only the yoga practice of tratak in time will get you perfect sight again. Look at dr Bates book perfect eyesight without glasses, it’s a keeper! Sungazing balances all the chakras, it activates your solar body and solar powers! Its groovy, it upholds planetary security baby! Lol! J J J

8. Your Twin Flame

Anathea is the twin flame of mine. And so , she tells me Miley Cyrus is. I don’t obey grammar, I take it up a notch, so no one is bored, t hat’s a law of education more precious than anything, true art. I tell you What!  Art plus logic = lol!  The law,  the lol, as I call it. Love! Amen!

Everyone has a twin flame, legend has it we are to unite. God says we are, handling my body right now, gesturing it so. I am one with God yet I cannot do miracles yet, they are possible in time, the surest way to metaphysical miracles I know is a million or so mantra repetitions, you can say them fast, that’s fine, out loud,  if you seek the light. Some suggest inside or outside doesn’t matter, let me ask, God, please talk .
Lord,  you can’t talk to God boy, that boy aint right, just kidding, anyone can,  its in a book called Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch for crying out loud! I tell you What,   its about even,  it depends on what you want, a mantra matters, but what matters is setting the space to sit and meditate. If you’re absent mindedly working, chanting wins.  By the way he taught you how to pray, try this emote it I say boy , or girl!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL THE ABUNDANCE IN MY LIFE I AM RICH WAHOOO! Try that  10 times a day , or for health or etc, or for your true love,  but invoke your twin flame. Chris sure adores Miley Cyrus, I tell you What
J hahahaha . God Bless it . Amen, peace to ya! Now you know how to call me!

9. Drugs, the good sheeeeit!  Lol ( or stuff,  humph! Grrr. Lol !  cussin can be fine , it depends on intention. Lawl )

Cannabis, lsd, mdma, psilocybin, mescaline, dmt, peyote, magic mushrooms, iboga,  salvia divinorium , sure some are all the same substance, listed both chemically and in nature format, these and more have tremendous potential to benefit mankind. Our beloved Francis Crick discovered the DNA double helix spiral on a dose of acid. Oh no you hate us oh no a witch hunt, run from the dark side natzis hide! Hide! OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, they’re toast! Prohibition hurts everyone, except drug lords! The end! When tolerance, compassion, dignity, safe education, response, a sober mind, are employed to drugs, and dose , set and setting misunderstood, the good stuff is great! It makes life amazing, only a grammar natzi would hate on them! Don’t be a darksider!

alcohol, meth, crack, heroin, tobacco, those as I see them are dark side meds, though e-cigs don’t genocide people to death as I see it at this time. Shame,  legal genocide by cancer sticks is fine, but a proven cure for cancer, cannabis ? Well, yes we Cannabis, its being legalized. Hallelujah guys! is your apothecary in a manner of speaking, at least I tabernacle of wisdom, the only free speech that IS fair and balanced, get educated!  Nazis darksiders are PAYED money to troll people on the net, ask anonymous!  Ask them! Wahoo, the light won, the wicked witch is dead!
True science is not biased, the DEA were natzis as fuck, they made the constitution illegal, thc is in the constitution, for it was made with hemp. The end. Fuck them. Lol, they don’t need to exist.  Unless they legalize the good stuff and stop ,  rumor has it, selling on the dark side.  Amen!

PS Lol,
J It must be understood that dose is everything. The mildest drop of 25 ug of LSD is like having a sip of green tea, and has only the mildest effects of goodness, see, perspective is everything, relativity!

10.  Education

Education. Positive reinforcement and stepping it up a notch fuses art into love.  Anything you notice is yours to bless or it stays the same; that is a law of God. You have learned how to bless.  Take it up a notch higher than what it was, instruct with love,  In fuse emotion,  that is art, that is the fusion of the left and right brain.  Constantly encourage what is good and praise what you seek to find, then you have educated.

11. Animals

Your dogs can become telepathic with you. Sit and stare at them until you notice any sort of thought, talk to them, tell them they are genius! Tell them they know and understand English perfectly! You can teach dogs in this manner,  pay them for good things they do,  say “here’s a payment” or etc, turn it up a notch, tell them t heir education is payment! When you want to train something new give a nibble of treat each time you notice the slightest hint of what it is you are trying to train, say good dog you get paid, its very intuitive, you understand now! 
Dogs can uphold a telepathic matrix , Anathea is it so ? Wherein the animals all around  like in 101 Dalmations alert all the other animals, this enables a new wave of quantum science, true science, physics in motion, to notify and become a national security system, as well as planetary, enabling world peace. Dogs are not to be harmed anywhere, that is the law, they are capable of love and companionship,  as any animal is, it is law to not harm them, amen! That’s right  Anathea!
I have dog whispering videos on youtube as felix the cat productions, sunlight blessing is my channel!

This is my book to you, God bless you. There is more to learn.  When you say I am sorry, please forgive you, thank you, I love you, you heal karma, you can cure peoples diseases, anything you notice is a chance to Touch and Bless,
God bless you ,
PS  Seek a Sat Guru that will light the Lamp in your Crown Chakra, it helps you be a beacon and livewire to God!

May all sentient beings know happiness and joy and no evil exist!