Wednesday, March 2, 2011


you people are god awful monsters

a person asks you for help, to spare what you can, even a trivial amount and you don't give a damn, but remember the day when you will need someone to help you , because no matter what you do you cannot see through to make ends meet

then watch as no one cares

you disgust me , all of you , i am sitting here writing dozens of useful articles for you asking as little as $3 and you won't care.

i am going to go donate to the first blog i see with a donate button

in the mean time FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I NEED YOUR HELP, I'M A HUMAN BEING, GO TO HELL AND DIE IF YOU DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO GIVE $2 TO SOMEONE THAT IS ASKING YOU FOR KINDNESS, and if you can't thats different . some of you can't, or aren't old enough, or don't have paypal, so that is different.


okay so $2 to a person who has a roller coaster poll, i couldn't find a blog with a donate button , but see ? its not very hard to do , am i going to miss the $2 NO
and if you give me $2 , then , all of you , i'd have the capacity to be with my lover on spring break because almost 200 of you have seen this

that's how horrible humans are , they don't care about anyone but themselves so they are exploited by capitalists to break down inside.

this is THE ECONOMY , share freely what you have , without sharing too much of it , when you are able to do so , generating good deeds to make the world a good place where starving and disparity are no longer possible cus the banks sure as hell don't do that

there is only $1 the rest is inflation
by giving more than they have they have created a place of mdanatory debt for all people who cannot possibly even begin to own their own homes, and only those who use their mind sin cunning devious relentlessly money focused ways can rise above the debt , and get out of it , through scheming to get rich in some way , be it thru love and making a good product or the opposite, they rise above it but most people don't, and cannot, as the system is based on fraud

i give you $1, $1 is all there is , you give me $52 back,

that is basically how it works, think about it
go to and see Kucinich's bill to end debt.

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