Saturday, February 19, 2011

coming out of the dark ages

Behold the Kingdom of God is Within You

This is a teaching that spans all of our modern religions.

One might think it crazy to say such a thing. In fact the only people that would have a hard time attaining enlightenment are religious people and the die hard smiling face skeptics.

Religious people have a hard time with enlightenment because unless their preacher, teacher, church, temple, is going inside, and clibrating people to the spiritual dimensions of light, they are simply gathering to confess belief in something.
When we lose the core essence of Light then demon-in-nations, or denominations, emerge.
It is said Christianity has over 20,000 different forms, and yet there was 1 Jesus.

And what did Jesus say about himself ?
Even before Abraham I AM.

The truth is universal, the language, metaphor, and manner of interfacing with it is diverse. Respect for diversity is paramount, as one must not assume falsely that their own view is the only way.

The new age then is simply the will of the true God, evolving the TRUTH, de-emphasising the dogma, hate, fear, and broken rituals, and creating a new system for people to go inside and find the light of God.
But the one paramount fundamental unifier of all these paths is the guru.
The guru in the highest word meaning he who transmits the Light of God.
There are gurus within EVERY single different "mansion" in the Kingdom of God.
Those in the golden planes , and they might say "this is as high as it goes" are the Buddhist monks some times and things of this sort. I can't divulge it all here for you but I can lead you to find a guru who is quite supremely awake if you want it.

What do Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have in common, oh and Hinduism too ? EVERYTHING the differences are fickle, beneath it all is an admission that one should go inside and have a direct, living, conscious relationship with "God"
what one calls God does not matter at all.

The people, confused over this issue in Jesus day as they somewhat are now, were arguing about this and Jesus said to them "Know ye not that YE are Gods? "

This is the secret meaning of receiving Christ. It means following the way that the guru sets for you. Many will call upon him and not attain it, because they did not follow the teaching.

It is like this.

We have shitake. People say "shitake mushrooms are magic and set your mind free. " and even though you are eating it, nothing happens. This is what a religion is.

Did you watch the Golden Compass ? The Gold Dust is Christ consciousness. The circumvision is the agency of the Church to block people from spiritual self realization. The demons are those which people , deluded with maya, manifest, as they are not in the LIGHT.

The dark Authority of this series simply wished for people to even become oblivious as tot he LOWER spiritual forces, "demons" that people had, so that one would be defenseless and unaware of when they are being manipulated!

This time is ending so rapidly it is a joy.

It is true,
the Krishna devotees say there is one god but Krishna, and all else is a manifestation of his potency including all other gods,
and so on , so all people have their belief system
and yet Jesus said to all those sorts "Know ye not that YE are Gods ? "

The prayer without ceasing has many ways to bring good fruit,
one is the mantra, of your choice
whatever being you have faith in , Jesus, Krishna, Allah, whatever name you have for God that you adore. Repeat that as your mantra and the light will shine down from heaven upon you and your home.
If you have not a form of God, or are jaded
then OM is the supreme word for you.

If you have not any faith, but repeat OM each day , you will still attain supreme experience. self realization, and absolute freedom.
and even then the guru is more precious.

the guru is omnipresent and omniscient,
and in this manner so we are all able to become
so simply direct your thoughts to the guru , and ask that you and he , or she, meet.
Guru I wish to find you . Let this thought echo in your heart.

Ask for the supreme highest and best one for YOU.
They , like Jesus Christ or a supreme master , will tune you up to the divinity that is within you , and take thousands of years off your journey Home. and then you will be free, and you will become a servant of all, if you so see fit to being.

one prayer that may work for this is
asato ma sat gamaya
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
mrityor mamritat gamaya
which says , from 3 different qualities of illusion, lead me to the truth
i cannot recall the specific word for word meaning of each line, but each line invokes, leading from darkness to light, from death to immortality and so on .

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