Friday, February 25, 2011

concern is the devil

okay , look, concern is not love , concern is not love
concern is not love
concern is not love
love is humility it allows , generally , a person to learn their own lessons , because if you butt in , or mitigate with concern, you are literally transferring what some may call a "pheromone" into them, hormone, emotion, and that limits their freedom

what you do is love unconditionally which is compassionate, happy , joyful, but not sympathetic

sympathy means if someone is sad you are sad
if someone is angry you are angry
compassion means hapipness, joy , and deep heart felt feeling of love and COMPASSION towards that situation, and acting out of righteous benevolent compassion towards everything , and everyone

so you don't justify being concerned and checking in on , violating, harming, basically subtly raping anothers free will resources to enjoy themselves,

some thought dancing was a sin
now few do
yet to talk since into them that sat at home saying WELL THOSE PEOPLE ARE SINNER
the ones who think that are .,

but then again though i tell you this it is an objective factual truth that meat eating is destroying society at large, creates mandatory starvation, and is absolutely abominable to our health and well being
the PROTEIN is readily attained through far more efficient ways that boost our energy when we eat instead of making us sedentary , and polluted with these horrible fats, uric acid, stress hormones of being slaughtered, feces, brain matter, growth hormones, and you name it

even human beings are sometimes fed to pigs to cover up bodies, so why eat a pig that is just a really gross thing to do .

cus it tastes good

yes and it feels good to the tyrant to bomb the protesters with his airforce, it really does HE THINKS HE IS RIGHT, but there is always an objective higher ideal to move humanity forward

and yes we send love to everyone. even the man in Libya

if we send love to Walker he might realize that he can find a win win situation while allowing bargaining rights to continue ....

to the person that is afraid of the outdoors, the sky is a horrifying sight, so ,
is all this , our perception, we are obliged to be good and strive for harmony and love, no matter our ideas, we must strive for patience and good manner of virtue
and yet i do surely show you some of the atrocities done in the USA , that like a fish in water, we are , some of us, oblivious to

including baby genital mutilation circumcision ,
persecution of peaceful people for practicing religion - the war on drugs for cannabis and mushrooms, etc,
persecution of peaceful productive citizens for practicing recreation - again, drug war
see ?
persecution of peaceful productive citizens for skiing, oh wait we don't do that, we could though, it'd make as much sense as the drug war. i.e., none.

anything an addict does will be bad anyway , for themselves, there are food addicts, drug addicts, porn addicts, okay but then again who the heaven are you to say such a stupid thing as to label someone, mind your own business, if they ask for help give it ... know what i mean ?

giving help is not wanted, means inquisition, persecution, rape, harm, theft, stealing, and brainwashing.

because the difference between some of the far right and the islamic terrorists is very very very small, they use terror , anger, fear, to get their way , and they just don't often use violence is the only difference, they still work to legislate harsh moral codes upon peaceful people that aren't usually doing anything wrong

and yes abortion is killing, duh, once at least brain waves are being emitted.

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