filled with pride
they are walking programs of enforcement
they have mutilated their childrens genitals as they scream out in tortured agony , because the idea of circumcision which is a vile abomination and depletes up to 70 % of our sensitivity , destroys our indwelling estrogen receptors, gets rid of the male g spot known as the frenulum, and causes the glans to completely callous therefor depleting 75% or more of its sensitivity .....
if you take these ignoramuses and put them in old tymes they would gladly participate in the lynching of black people, or the persecution of the jews, driving the trains to the concentration camps, any way you look at it there are generations of absolutely stupid morons, god bless them if possible, that do things that are absolutely evil because they are programmed with outright lies
these people have absolutely no capacity to be happy and they eat the flesh of torurted sentient beings, and all the starvation in the world manifests due to economic policies only and the land of these cattle that are slaughtered would , if used for vegetation, FEED THE ENTIRE PLANETS HUNGRY PEOPLE,
any way you look at it the end of the day they are worshiping satan while praising jesus on sunday and they have no health, they are riddled with diesease, they are living corpses whose bodies ache with pain from not doing any exercise, and they have absolutely no understanding of right diet
they are exploited by television to be selfish an dhateful and ignorant and dumb as can be , and to hate those people who tell the truth about things
they do not have any faith in anything at all, its a miracle to them they can even survive the 9 to 5 slavery drive,
their pleasure consists in witnessing people being tortured and killed through violent programming, having their little babies penises mutilated, eating the flesh of animals but crying for days in depression if thir dog runs away
and waving the flag as bombs fall on whatever country the nation deems worthy of committing genocide against,
they are absolute tools of the devil and the worse thing is they have a false religion that teaches them to be further bigoted
for example , the christians go to uganda to preach hate of gays and have created a holocaust against homosexuals where gay rights advocates are beaten to death in their homes
they are the spawn of satan , literally , satan has no opposite but being a good person.
these people will rape your soul dry with their enforcement of lying " black people are an inferior race, marijuana is bad ... ( marijuana cures cancer, actually , go look it up , its a great thing, alcohol is the bad drug )
take KKK , DEA, its all the same, agencies that manifest lies to persecute peaceful people to divide a nation against itself , for what ? I don't know, the sick acquisition of power
you cannot , have salvation from these people
some times a woman is waking up to spirituality and her husband is a royal dumbass, sorry to say it , leave him , or program that he is waking up with such ferocity and love in your mind that he might
these people are a sinking ship, go find a cruise ship , if they were offered a free cruise they would say "i'm not worthy "
people of this world need power over the fat obese rapits and criminals with their institutions of persecutiont o label you, and every single person as a sinner, and state that happiness is a crime, or an oddity , or a rarity
lies, all of it
you need spiritual armor
the highest mantra to burn these people up if they want to play the role of energy vampire, or push them away if they are more respectful, to acquire wealth, to acqiure health, to be raidiant like the sun and always happy
and to transform your life in every single way ,
is the gayatri mantra
om bhur bhuvaha swaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya deemahi
dhiyo yonah prachodyat
remember , yoga heals all spinal pain and gives you infinite youth and wellness, and the evil ones mock it , as they go to have unnecessary surgeries, suffer agony for hell on earth months and years on end, refuse to eat right, and buy tortured sentient beings that scream out NO STOP IT HURTS , from fast food chains on the way back from their doc to get crock stupid medications that cause addiction and destroy the liver due to having way too much aspirin in them
cannabis is THE ONLY acceptable pain medication that i know of as it does not have to be smoked, and , well, read my other entry about it , the opiates are a horrible thing they are not godly , they are not meant for regular use , as they only exacerbate problems.
these people , it doesn't matter what tim eperiod, take the average stupid one and put him uganda he will agree that "corrective rape is the right treatment to cure lesbians" put him in the slave days and he will think the people that want the slave sto be free are stupid , and he will gladly lynch a bueaitufl black brother
put him in right now and he supports any and all wars for any reason that a politician can come up with lies about , and by god he'll drink him a beer but if someone else smokes him an herb that person should be hung like an N word... these people are the most dumb vile tools of the devil that could ever possibly exist as they spend all their free time in idolatry on tv
and tv is basically
oh my god im so sad
then you absorb the demons of this woman being cheated on , and you diminish your capacity to love yoru lvoer
or this and that, its basically just the presentatino of CRUEL AND HORRIBLE TREATMENT OF HUMAN BEINGS as if that is okay and normal,
now something like oprah might be different but the only straight up legit bro i know that isn't a fascist jew killer , or black killer, or baby killer, or ganja hater ,
its all the same, its all hate,
is montel, since montel says yes medical pot is awesome i like to smoke it ,
the rest of them are as bad as the catholic inquisition when it comes to respecting the right to experience the higher planes of consciousness
( now , i know dr phill supports the holocuast against peaceful americans known as the drug war, but he might not agree with drugs being a criminal issue he thinks that recreational enjoyment of pot is "bad" or an "addiction" which is a stupid thing to think, mind your own business, to each their own, you cannot force anyone to do anything that makes you worse than them, i don't know what oprahs views are )
btw an addiction is : i've taken booze or an opiate, my body hurts os much in horrible pain that i HAVE to take it again to stop this withdrawal, something pot is absolutely incapable of doing to yourself. tv is an addiction..... psychologically , and to a yogi all things are addictions, so lets use compassion not persecution and conversion into $$$$$$$ ,
they do not take you as high as meditation but they take you higher than the idolatry of violent imagery that makes you a horrible person and automatically conditions your mind to accept war, and guess what when no one will join the military in any nation there won't be any war !
remember the rockefellers sold weapons to both hitler and the allies
the only people that profit from war is the devil, banks and such .
be the change
do you love your animal, or your child then you are a monster for eating meat, meat screams out in pain , is tortured in never ending hellacious agony screaming out for love, would you send a jew to a concentration camp ? or a pot smoker then you're going to go to one, period.
and if your answer is NO and you are actually a sane compassionate individual ( do any at all exist ) then let me ask you this, why would you treat an animal this way ? animals are treated worse than people in concentration camps.
so either be a man and kill your little cute dog or kitty and eat it , or realize that murder is wrong, it is the most wrong thing a human can do , the murder of anything , any sentient life, any animal
this is a horrendous and stupefying action.
fat smug rapist man is always a tool of the devil, whatever the laws of the tyrants say , he thinks that's right, be it corrective rape against lesbians, killing everyone who isn't a Christian, making plants that come from the ground illegal, violating a persons right to have a recreational pass time( skiing is more dangerous than using most of the drugs that exist ! hunting is bunch of strange men in the woods with guns, accidents galore waiting to happen, FREEDOM FOR ALL OR FREEDOM FOR NO ONE , RESPECT EVEN THEIR FREEDOM TO DO THESE WRONG THINGS, because prohibiting something a person wants to do causes them to hate you and makes you a fool. )
smuggy mc obese is just satan any way you look at it, he always believes the lie, be it hitler or nixon , or any one in between, be it killing gays in uganda, he always belive sit , be it circumcision, be it meat eating, he is deficient in basic common sense.
that is sad though.
please do this , sit and focus for a long time on a human being you adore, then image a culture of stupid idiot cannibals that put that being into a slaughterhouse, its a lot more compassionate to do unto others ( ANIMALS ARE OTHERS ) AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOu , than to say "this uric acid ( urine ) tastes so delicious . fuck the animals! "
taste your urine, that is the flavor of "meat" ,
you can be conditioned to do anything
gassing people to death
raping lesbians straight
persecuting people that like LSD instead of a cup of coffee
ONLY WHEN SOCIETY CREATES EDUCATION INSTEAD OF VIOLENT FORCE AND PERSECUTION OF ITS PEOPLE ASSUMING THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALS, will peole in that society make the right actions, education is the only prevention of the things that are ACTUALLY WRONG : murder, killing, etc,
because anything else
playing chess, LSD, pokemon, even horrible violent tv, is LIBERTY
i bet you'd wish you supported liberty instead of choosing to persecute people that are different than you no matter what the hell a fascist incorporated state LIES about.
now , at least 70% of americans have gotten high at least once, so , if 70% of americans had murdered at least once there would be no americans left
we can discern the criminal is the law makers here. not the other way around
the criminal is the one killing gays in uganda, not the gays.
black rights, womens rights, gay rights, DRUG RIGHTS,
"If Life , Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness does not include the right to experiment with your own consciousness , then the declaration of independence is not worth the hemp it was written on. "
there was a period of time we so valued hemp, although this policy is not right either, that it was a crime not to grow it . and we also as americans loved to smoke it too many of our founding fathers wrote praise of how its a superior relaxation when smoked in a pipe with other flowers mixed in .
this is the drug war
i hate blacks, lets ban cocain
i hate mexicans, lets ban pot
i hate chinese, lets ban opium
that's all it is, prejudice , manifesting a good KKK like pamphlet of lies that don't add up to anyone but the morbidly obese with ignorance ....
now look, pot was banned because it was a replacement to the lumber industry as it would negate the need to cut down trees and be infinitely sustainable, and in fact it is also a source of clean burning gasoline so no more need for toxic emission-ifying oil....
its about $$$$
if you don't stand up for the freedom of the OTHER BROTHER, SISTER, HUMAN BEING, who is being persecuted, then fuck you !
peace love and understanding.
in america you hae to write thousands of letters, then they get scared and stop screwing you out of freedom
in egypt you have to protest for days, its easier to write letters, just do it .
btw, compassionate, articulated, grammatically correct , loving and kind, intelligent and praiseworthy letters, exemplifying your intelligence as an american, showing that you do not favor treating people that are harming no one , not even themselves, as criminals, mcdondalds is more dangerous than heroin by the numbers of corpses obesitah produces each year.
it also slaughters sentient beings,
the only slaughter of sentient beings arising from drugs is due to cartels
good way to destroy the world, create a never ending drug war so the third world is run by dictatorships and cartels by prohibiting something at least half of humanity really enjoys ad the other half would enjoy if they were not conditioned to hate people and belove in lies.
now you have mcondalds, a clown enticing kids to eat an animal that cries when its youth are taken away from it , that only wants to love that is absolutely peaceful and totally not in any way nutritious, and you have a death industry designed to create victims for pharmaceutical inquisition, prescription, and well, they do everything but have you change your diet and exercise, because if you did that they wouldn't make any money from your diseases because you'd be health.
ONCE YOU KNOW the way of the lie, you don't have to focus on it a lot unless you are living with mentally retarded people that have the violent power to basically punish you for being rational and decent and well educated.
look, a bigot will hate you if you say black people are beautiful
but the bigot who hates black is just the same as one who hates drugs
what drugs do you hate ? i don't see a great reason to advocate heroin but pot is not heroin , alcohol is worse than just about anything .
gods plants which produce higher compassionate awareness of the patterns of consciousness relating to the respect of sentient life are divine and good : peyote, cannabis, etc....
they can be misused, so don't misuses them, a car can be misused, you can eat a laptop but i won't taste good, stupidity is a "crime" but you can't punish it ! you love and set a good example, as long as they don't grow up into adults that join the modern day nazi party . so intoxicated on the pride because they don't have any self esteem....
the day a 7 year old can royally rebuke the stupidest of adults and do it with such ferocity that they are left gaping in shock, will be the day we have world peace. the children always know the truth until the adults install society v 555 in them
and 555 is a very dangerous number, use a holy mantra, any mantra, om namah shivaya, if you get stuck in it .
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