Friday, February 4, 2011


Mantra is healing energy encased in sound.

It is a bit perplexing as to "Why" but it rather Is.

For example the Rig Vedas, much older than the Christian texts have a statement , "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. "

why that is , well , many theories, but they say the same precise thing when translated into English.

What this means is that the entire potency of the creation of the universe is a Word spoken by God. The Christian texts lost this PEACE of information.
The word is AUM
the word pronounced is something like
ah, ohhh, mmm,
but it is fluid .
The word is present in AMEN , which is a power word.

This word AUM contains infinite energy , and it is like a time lapse medication for the spirit as it benefits you more each time you say it , rising in divine awareness into God.

What the OM does is heals your brainwaves on a physical level into alpha state so you are absolutely at one with the supreme presence that is beyond time and space as LIGHT AND ABSOLUTE UNSPEAKABLE PEACE !

Try it and see .

Spiritually it purifies our defilements into divine light.

Now we have an enlightenment encased within sound by the Hindus and they share with the world. Other cultures don't, they kept the peace hidden and ruled it over people, but with sanskrit we have a language created in spirit , not matter, that is spirit, not matter, that is light, not matter , and that takes us immediately to a higher realm of being.

So for example, if you want healing of body and soul , you can say HREEM, why ? I don't know . There is a way to know but the information is beyond abstract and it wouldn't translate well. Its like why are carrots here and why are they nutritious and have certain healing energies that peaches don't, but peaches are also great.

So some of the mantras of God we have for healing our life are :
OM . which grants all things , but is supremely abstract, which is fine .
OM , shanti shanti shanti, to bring in peace after expanding to such a great height .

Om Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha ( invocation of all realms of existence in the universe, galactic, planetary , physical , ) Tat Savitur Varenyam ( that great light we all revolve around, all these things, even the galaxies themselves, revolve around this light , an amazing awareness ! ) , Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi ( which is so wonderful and brilliant ) Dhiyo Yonah Prachdoyat ( may it illumine our being )
this is a profound one , it will give you solar energy healing you and filling you with joy , each syllable breaks down into virtues such as wealth, abundance, peace, persistence, healing energy , and such. So it is said to be the supreme mantra of the enlightened ones of India and that ALL their thousands of pages and wisdom and then some are in this mantra.

Now we have deities, deities are some times said to be GOD but in a sense as I take it they are a manifestation of a principle of GOD .
Om namah shivaya - brings absolute peace, auspiciousness, helps to get all ones desires but they come to you as you are quiet and happy and totally satisfied . Na , earth , Ma water, Shi Fire, Va air, Ya space. Om , absolute.
its peaceful, its white light. Shiva transforms all things to light at the end of the universe , which is trillions and multiple trillions of years long and then some.

Then we have some mantras of Vishnu who is preserving things, keeping things in order and alive and well
such as Krishna which many find to be the greatest form of God , as a best friend and bringing absolute transcendental bliss and ecstasy and infinite freedom.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare

then we have Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife ( and his energy ) who distributes wealth throughout the cosmos.
Om shree maha lakshmeey-eye namaha.

Then there is Ganesh remover of all obstacles, helps you be sufficient in your life and succesful , works to keep famili stogether. Om Gum Ganapatay-eye namaha.

Ram who is an ideal exeplary householder, brings about tremendous love and joy.
Shri Ram Jay ( like eye , J-eye) Ram Jay Jay Ram , Om . (Jay meaning victory , shree means supreme , great ) ,
or OM Shri Ramaya Namaha
or Sita ( his wife ) Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram Sita Ram ( good for couples )

so then we have some seed sounds that are just pure energy without a form so much , but can also lead to that form, these are like the energy of the Gods, and remember this is a divine science it is not some pagan thing in the sense of being not divine or not good .
Shreem - Lakshmis energy , money, wealth, abundance, fame, success, fulfillment,
Hreem - solar healing energy that brings incredible joy ,Kleem - manifesting attraction, being famous , having charm over others manifesting relationships, houses, jobs, and female soulmates and such.. also said for a yogi who wants to be one with Krishna in supreme pleasure and peace and bliss and enjoyment and be part of his pastimes and cosmic activities.
lots of these, they are called bija mantras,
We have one for long life to Shiva which removed coffee toxicity from my body by having a white light just engulf and disappear it in one instant after about 2 hours of chanting while driving. This works for healing diseases :
Om Tryumbakam Yajamihe Sughandhim Pushti Vardhinam Urvarukamiva Bhandinan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat
its said to benefit your immediate family if done every day with the intent of 150,000 ( or 125 ) thousand repetitions for them, then 125,000 or 15o for you , so its for one who really wants that. It leads to liberation also but works with preventing accidents and bestowing long life, you can say it 5 times a day or so .

Youtube has people chanting this if you google OM Tryumbakam so you can hear how it goes.

So then for lovers to have divine blis in their relationship
Om Radha ( Krishna' s wife ) Krishnaya Namaha , this is amazing.

For getting a soulmate
Om Paramah Prema Rupaya Namaha - this means divine love come to me , manifest in a recognizable form, it will be one of the highest most amazing loves possible, not necessarily sexual. Theoretically it can cause God to literally manifest in a human body to come find you as a lover.

Then there are some for getting a wife or husband with lots of money , which I forget but you can google outrageous mantra experiment, something like OME , or OME experiment has a website. one of the things to google is "the energy of love, OME " that might bring it up .

So a mantra is infinite energy , that requires your tender activation over time.
Its said you get a significant benefit after 125,000 repetitions, sometimes liberation from the world of illusino.

Why mantra ?
1. god is real, and in a sense you are that , when you wake up to the totality of being one with the source of all that is "I and my Father are one " in English , thru Jesus, or Hari Om Tat Sat from the Hindus
or also Sat Nam meaning I am truth. That's a profoundly powerful mantra.

So , the thing is , there is a way to one ness with god and it isn't by waiting to die , hoping you beloved the right religion and didn't BELIEVE the wrong one. Believing is one thing but if you don't practice and wake up its little.

People belive all sorts of things that aren't true, either, when you go to a religion that believes in condemnation vs salvation, or killing people from other religions, or somehow that they are right or wrong, this is violent and it produces only zealousy and emotional belief, like how one might be devoted to Michael Jackson and just start crying and bursting out in tears at a concert of his , doesn't mean its God its EMOTIONS, and that is where a lot of religions are that lost the MYSTIC teaching, call it what you will. It means roughly , basically , LIGHT

so when you go in that path of finding a way to the LIGHT as Christ was "These things and greater shall you do . " that's a HUGE promise its not to be taken lightly , the way to do that is not in Heaven because everyone can do it there, its to pass tests here on earth to GROW UP INTO A SUN OF GOD , period, s-u-n!

So the YOGIS OF INDIA SHARED THEIR WAY with the world, and you have it, and any of these mantras will do , but the thing is that is still an older way , and you go into the stream that they gave us to rise in.

The highest way is the way of being with the guru.

What does this mean for you if you are a religions person and therefore not willing to do what is useful and good, because you have fixed stuck, stagnant, emotional or prideful views ? One thing is what does your religion NAME god as being ? you can repeat that name as a mantra, that is good after all , what can he/she etc do but fill you with infinite divine light, love, healing and pleasure ?

Think about that last point.

Question everything. If what yo have is a lie even if you are so damn emotionally involved with it , get rid of it . The truth is freedom, even Jesus said so . A belief in dying to go to heaven and everyone else is screwed is just as bad as being a Muslim terrorist and thinking America is evil. Its jsut sily .

Religions are used by authorities to shut people's minds down with confusing stories , myths, fears, and etc, or they are used to SET YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE
and you aren't free if you aren't having trascendental experiences of amazing incredible joy THROUGH your religious PRACTICE.

That is like dirnking an empty glass of water and saying it is full. We never want that. A Christian should ask deep and long if they really feel that devotion or if its the same that you can feel for a celebrity or any thing people ar ebrainwashed into loving, if they feel it then repeat his , Jesus' name, over and over again until he comes and fills you with light. Its a lot easier than using the clumsy English language to try to get God's attention, you run out of things to say in prayer so quick and become incredibly redundant.

Perhaps 10 minutes of logical prayer in English then just repeat God's name expecting the spirit to fill you ever new with joy over time.

As far as I recall hearing the Islam faith says REPEAT THE NAME OF GOD ALL DAY LONG, FROM DAWN TO DUSK, or something of th sort. That's for if you want to KNOW GOD and be set free, so you can access the Kingdom of Heaven and become Saved.

Enlightenment = salvation
sin = karma
freedom from karma = enlightenment , = salvation ,
freedom from karma is from single minded focus on something good ,

the Bhagavad-Gita explains this in simplicity and is a short read. No matter a peron's religion the Gita is a good thing, it will fill in some missing clues in those that really want to know God rather than believe in God without Experience.

my closing point ?

this is your rule of thumb, how much do you like what i write, how amusing is it how helpful is it ? are you enjoying this ? if so donate !

please donate based upon value and worth of these words, it is my only income, you are usually able to give at least $5 if you are rich give a good amount, say $4000, $45, $100 , etc this is love, when someone spends their time to improve your experience they deserve a compensation of some sort. if you're wealthy $5 is like a penny to me so don't give something small, if you're wealthy give something like $1000 , that's only common sense.

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