Now, the things most people stumble on , is money abundance and health.
Health is easy. There is a yoga pose that will destroy all disease. It is the shoulderstand. I pick that one as its easier than a headstand. The thing is you must learn to do it until you get to about 15 minutes, this will really really really really purify your entire body !
Why stop there ? The yogis say that asana ( yoga pose ) siddhi ( perfection ) comes when you can do a pose for 3 hours comfortably . This is where you gain levitation, psychic powers, bliss, joy , immortality , etc. They say that the inversions ( head stand, shoulderstand, etc ) are the key to immortality.
Why not ? If you enjoy headstands, and enjoy joy , and enjoy discipline, or shoulderstands for that matter, then why not learn to do them each day until one day , maybe a year or two for now you can do the 3 hours, or 1 hour , or 45 minutes ? Don't rush it , but you get HEALING in as little as 2 minutes.
So as in 2 minutes, rest, 2 minutes rest, 2 minutes, rest, 4 minutes, rest. Then you've really really fixed your body of things you didn't even know you could detox, remove, and heal. Like fluoride being removed from your pineal gland. The prana you get from these is more powerful than pranayama ( breathing ) , because you just hold a comofrtable, easy yoga position for a while then VOILA, wow, it keeps going and going and going, cleaning you long after the pose is done.
Pranayama is in many ways more powerful than yoga asana , but they are almost equal. In some ways the asana is more powerful and vice versa.
Now wealth
I am not sure
the matras for money do work energetically , I am glowing with laser beams of money all around me and I can SEE it, but the money has not yet to show up .
om shri maha lakshee-yeye namaha!
the longer Kubera mantra
om shreem om hreem shreem hreem kleem shreem kleem, vitt-uh-shwah-rye-uh- namaha ,
that's a powerful one
ganesha mantras , shiva mantras
should bring in money , that's their purpose
om brzee namaha a money mantra also
but you know, in the mean time, don't make me have to become a millionaire before you want to donate money to my blog, as if i have to prove the efficacy of mantra energies, they really do saturate your entire body and work to fix whatever it is they work to fix, and those above ones are mainly more mantras that will in some way get you wealthy.
Some things Lakshmi is doing : inspiring my dad to make dog leashes and do crafts with his hands, working to harmonize my family , who are so radically different than me I appreciate it but NEED my own space to have my own self discovery without interruptions, pleasant yet , a bit tedious , due to the way they are, their energies, their level of total Homer like absorption into the illusion of eat eat eat eat tv eat tv eat tv , discuss tv and eating. ya.....
THERE IS ONE GOD , and it means LIGHT, SOURCE, the singularity , that which the BIG BANG came from, the infinite power of creation energy
so did just about everyone
so when you use a deity that is okay if need their help i suppose
but don't think that because someone else calls god something different, or prefers sceince, that they are wrong
a Christian is not doing anything bad by invokign Lakshmi or Ganesha, those are beings of love.
You must invoke beings of love to help you though, but ultimately in a way its true the "higher self" = the father in heaven
meaning I am that
Hari meaning the love of salvation that purifies our souls into such ecstasy and bliss, love and joy , stealing our harts
OM , meaning the cause , preservation, and end of the universe ( when it ends it begins again ) TAT , ( that ) , SAT ( substance , divinity , essence, truth )
meaning I am that ,
Jesus says I AM THAT I AM
God says his name , to Moses, is I AM THAT I AM
what I AM THAT , I AM
means is that you are THAT, the the world, yet you also exist,
when we think about why do people idolize Jesus ? He says even to the father HALLOWED BE THY NAME, he does not even give the Father a name, Father meaning to him "source, guide, friend, teacher. "
so ,
though a Christian thinks they are only saved if they submit to believing what they are told,
the teaching is all people are saved, Jesus simply corrected the dark age thought that people are hell bound sinners, unfortunately it didn't work well, because they.... more on this is written in my other entires.... .
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