Friday, February 25, 2011

werd of the day

for the rizzle
Well, you know, its uh, and remember there is girth in these words, as if I'm mr chubby hateman , so , pretend I'm a conservative , but there are GOOD conservatives I am talking about those who really do want to just divide, conquer, dominate, and hurt, and have not proven themselves to at all work for love... GOD BLESS THEM..... so try to imagine the voice okay ?

Well we uh, seem to be in a situation where the people that preach the most about religious values, of which the core teaching is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . " are creating the poverty of the entire planet. They have you know, uh, uh, uh, ( this is a sort of a fictino , i am pretending to be a talking head, uh, uh, uh ) , they uh seem to , uh, you know, create never ending wars, and be so eager to fund anything to do with violence or creating disparity , under the pretense that, uh, you should work hard for a living, and yet , uh , the thing about that is , uh you know ( many people talk this way ) , how is that following your golden rule ?

A conservative claims to be pro life , but the things they started, the war on drugs, created modern day Al Capone like situations in the third world, and in our nation, over an issue that was only sometimes harmful, when issues like obesity BY THE NUMBERS are more harmful than ANY DRUG .

Okay and, uh, what they hare done, is uh , they have, uh, basically speaking ( speaking clearly is a virtue btw ) , they have put dictators into power. They have criminalized sources of free energy , and they have demonized cures for cancer. If it is not the best solution, it is a better one, the hemp plant can give us clean burning gasoline with no emissions, and so we don't need war for oil. It is a cancer cure and this is a proven fact. SO you can google these things or hate these things, but if you hate and argue we know which side you are on , one that does not care about moderate reason and working with the truth, and trying to only be flexible in what we stand for, so as to not be foolish or prideful but say "You know what look at this, lets try it . "

You know, uh, their very economic and military policies have created an almost inevitable horrible state of affairs for the entire world, so , when they say do unto others, then, what the result of that is, is Wisconsin and the Wisconsin 14 .

I do side with them on FAMILY VALUES, but gay people are families too , so are drug addicts, and so are sober straight edgers, you know, And the only people that are bad, it doesn't matter their skin or their diet, or their religion, or their drugs, cus tI don't know anyone that doesn't modify their mind with drugs OR music or SOMETHING that they find to accentuate life and make it enjoyable, and you know, when we talk about even food, people are using food to kill themselves with massive heart attacks and obesity , so the basis of taking individual liberty away to prevent self harm results in greater harm....

So what we are looking at is the invocation of compassionate common sense reasoning as a man as MLK Jr said is to be judged by the content of his heart not what he does, smokes or doesn't smoke, or if he likes some acid, i don't care, now , if he were to go out to kill a man, steal, or rape, or kidnap, there are Christians that do that. Atheists, conservatives, liberals, so the crimes are those things, not the things we do in personal liberty .

Now I agree with waiting till you find a lover and then making sweet luv to her, and that is fine, but marriage is EMPTY AND VAIN UNLESS YOU PUT YOUR OWN FAITH INTO IT, if you don't it means nothing, so marriage is not possible, ever, there is no way , for marriage to be threatened.....

that is like saying I HATE _____ PEOPLE, AND I LIKE PIZZA, AND IF ____ PEOPLE EAT PIZZA THAT IS A THREAT TO THE SANCTIMONY OF PIZZA, so we really have a CHECKMATE going on in the conservatives, and , you know, lets spread the stuff in Wisconsin across the nation , and lets not stop until the drug war is over, and we have fair economic policies in place, and lets have it lats no longer than 1 month.

- originally i posted also on the aforementioned facebook group.

and what we get is , those conservatives would be the first to condemn and hate Jesus Christ if he were, and he is, teaching teachings in America.

1 comment:

  1. arguer : NO MARRIAGE IS HOLY
    yes, as i said, when people put faith into something it becomes what they say it is , and so it is holy to those who say so , and to those who not no matter if they get married like many careless celebrities do , then the marriage is empty and false

    so the celebrities are hurting marriage more than loving gays, and why do not the conservatives write laws ( THEY CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT IT WOULD BE WRONG ) to ban celebrity marriages, or to ban NEWS CONVERGE OF ANYTHING TO DO WITH CELEBRITIES IN ANY WAY . ?

    arguer : that's a good idea lets do that
    me : no , because what i am saying is that though those things are absurd, and we should have quality journalism the news in itself as a tv show is going to end up being some for of dictation , and there is a lot to this as to why , the internet allows all pinions to be democratically voiced and so you can find the "cahnnel" that feel sRIGHT to you , as opposed to vested money interest manipulating perceptions

    but the key point here is the golden rule
    let people do what they want , if they are not doing murder, theft, rape, killing, vandalism, then they aint criminals

    even if they go bang their head against a wall that aint a crime unless they do it in public where people are upset, if so you can't charge them for it you can instruct them to stop or to go home an dto that, only because the public has politely asked for it to not be done in public

    and what this means if a colony emerges to be naked all th etime and worship jesus, or worship LSD, or worship beer, or anything, then, so , they are govenring themselve,s this is okay
    we would not let them do murder, rape, theft, kidnapping, etc, but see, this is the only true america.

    because, then on the other hand, people that want a more "quaint" conservative type experienced will live in that place, and yet they do not ban things in private affairs, they might politely MODERATE what happens IN THE PUBLIC, see ?

    argeur : yuo do nto ues prper grammr
    yes but you can still read it .

    think about THAT .
