This post is about abundance. Lakshmi is a sentient form of consciousness. With my blog I aspire to write about only what I have experienced and seen through to be truthful, without copying or pasting information. This separates the information you see here from many styles of information. More will be said on this in another entry.
Lakshmi has many mantras. Her function and service is sattvic abundance. Lakshmi does not bring wealth in negative circumstances nor does she bring about situations in which one is not satisfied within. Lakshmi is seen as the energy of manifestation of Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. She is seen as his wife and consort. She is said to herald in abundance of education, enlightenment, manners, virtue, wisdom, righteous fame and status within society , money, food, and many other things.
Invocation of Lakshmi can lead to spiritual liberation within the stream of hindu consciousness. There is a difference between enlightenment within each culture they tune into different avenues, planes, and dimensions. More can be seen about this here.
A tried and verified method given to people in part by Sivananda and his disciple Visnu-Devananda is
Shri maha Lakshmeey-eye-namaha.
Many choose the long A sound , but I prefer the sound of the long I as it is higher in energy vibration.
Sivananda wrote that this manra aids on in getting wealthy. So if one wants wealth, enlightenment, virtue, pace, manner, status , in a righteous and good way , they should repeat this mantra at least 1008 times a day.
This is not very hard to do.
300 times 108 can be done in a span of as little as 7 minutes.
If one decides to do mantra in rounds of 300 this requires only 4 practices a day , and yields > = 1008 repetitions a day with absolute ease. We all have infinite free time that we waste away with entertainment that is actually quite boring. Spending just a small portion of our free time on a mantra calibrates us to spiritual energy of liberation and grace and generates profound changes over time.
One will attain a degree of perfection of the mantra within 5 months , at roughly 150,000 repetitions.
What does Lakshmi do for you ?
For one thing I have had a few clues given to me by Providence as to what this mantra will do in my life. One time I went to a gas station and woman in all pink was radiant with love and so eager to help me, another tim eI was driving away from my grandparents home after a visit and a little girl in pink ran outside to wave at me as if she knew my vibrations and energy as an awakening soul, and as if to confirm " See this nice house I live in with a nice family ? You will have this. "
Some people suffer needlessly due to poverty or lack of money. While I have not yet had money miracles the energy of money is just almost profusely radiating around my room , my meditation chair and my body and aura from her.
lets be clear. Work and money are not equal. That is a trick. Children in slave shops work very very hard and they get almost nothing. The best use of society is to give everyone a base of abundance to work with, and either give them extra capital for their efforts, or to create a system as prophesized by Edward Bellany in his book Looking Backward. We are all equal as long as we contribute our TALENTS, if we do not do that then we serve illusions, lies, fear, stress, fret of lack and poverty , to get MONEY, which is only a piece of paper just as valuable as a leaf on a tree, and less so .
This serving money instead of offering our true gift is the cause of great suffering in the world. Lakshmi surely will help people have enough and hopefully a great abundance. Wealth may be secondary to love and enlightenment but it is a noble thing to have an abundance of as long as the first two come highest.
For example determine to say 1 million Lakshmi mantras , 1008 a day this will take only a few years. You went to school and most of it was redundant, you learned basic skills then had to do them over and over again That took years of your life, imagine what 1 million repetitions of a form of GOD manifesting as infinite bounty will do for you !
If you become a millionaire through her grace then surely you can help to feed some of the hungry people, where right now you can't. Think about the possibilities.
Remember Lakshmi does not give wealth in a material way, she gives materials in a spiritual and blissful hapy way.
Om shri maha lakshmi-yai namaha!
Om shanti shanti shanti
( shanti means peace, it is usually said 3 times after the end of a mantra session to seal energy around our aura ! )
REMEMBER TO DONATE, the blog is MY INCOME, period, and that's the way it should be. Whatever you feel it is worth contrasted to your ability to give $5000 or $5 once or twice a week. Give joyfully and receive joyfully . Nothing is free but the currency is not , truthfully , money, its appreciation, gratitude, and love. As long as we have money we need a lot of it, so give what you can!
I am offering you a service of my time, so simply if you have any money at all, give at least $5. If you are wealthy give more, that is the fair way to live, righteous and free and sharing , not too much but never too little. That is love.
nice post! can you please provide mahalakshmi stotram which will be chanted in favour of Goddess Lakshmi?