Friday, February 25, 2011

do you actually love ?

are you actually real ?

there are a few things that save a man or womans soul after they forget the wonder of being a child

one is a solumate,
another is the love of children
another is any practice of yoga or religion leading to the goal of spiritual freedom
and the other is not coffee, not alcohol, not cannbas, but psychdelic experience.

psychedelic is the mind cleanser, it is not the manfiestation of insanity it is the confrontation of the insanity that has kept people from being happy and at peace

the society , this one, is the first to truly ban this experience, throughout our millions of years, okay maybe a few have banned it , but the expeirence has been the only thing that kept famillies, tribes, together, loving each other, free from wrong thoughts

ask the native people
the peyote, they say , gives me good thoughts, gives me a humble heart, it keeps me from alcohol and from being tempted, and from having hurtful thoughts to my neighbor
it heals my spirit and helps me see the unity and have huility and love and respect for creation

now , does coffee do that ? drink too much and you might .... do bad things to people

what drugs did they give nazi soldiers ? meth , stimulants, okay , to engage blind obediance without quesitoning orders,

why does society , or , why did , they , hate, the psychdelic ?

in the 50s they , society praised LSD, they said it was our new wonder drug to show us the mysteries of the human potential, the hippies wnated to break up all corruption , and that is the only reason, it was seen as a way to end all corruption and change the minds of people who never even knew that life was beautiful

you don't KNOW life is beautiful unless you witness so much beauty that you brust out into tears of gratitude and joy

you can be that tyrant , HA, off with everyone's head, yes
and what a deplorable state of stuffiness

what a horrid state to be in

do you , have you ever felt alive ?

the other missing secret is fasting
fasting puts one into that divine spirit
that is hwy Jesus did it .

that is why Christians do it, and Muslims,
it puts you into communion with spirit ,

so that is a way , if you are suffering from disease, fasting,
it heals you
yes its hard
and yet , in a way , its worth it , how long , maybe just 1 day , at a time, 1 day , then next week 2, then next week 3 , then enxt week none, then next week 4 .... i mean

the fast is something that makes you no longer evil
not ruled by distractions that disconnect you from spirit
and make you eventually weep at the wasted empire of gaining the world and tainting ( but not losing ) your soul

the fasting puts you in solidarity with the people who never get to eat, and whose every second is misery , the fasting gives you the right understanding and appreciation of food

instead of being homer simpson

dear ones you can have abundance, but please , explore the experience of absolute hunger, go 1 day without food !
, why , so you can have compassion instead of the type of very fat person munching chips that says hahaha libyan revolution so what time for footbal, look ,
the person like holt in the celveland show is permitted to taint and corrupt his soul

and get girls, and beer
and inflate his ego with arrogance
but that is also his punishment, for in so doing he will never know wonder, awe, beauty, joy , satisfaction, contentment, appreciation, inspiration, or any virtues, at all, and his life will be subtly empty , and this will nag at him, and drive him to seek help from everything but the chambers of meditation , and the presence of the spirit from fasting
yoga , or tai chi
or these adapations
one of the best is mantra,

when you surrender to god , every day , thru mantra, and focus so much tim eon god, how can god do anything but say PEEKABOO, I LOVE YOU, HERE I AM , and heal your very mortal soul in higher peace ? it is true

the sorrow and doubt are the first things god fixes when you do mantra practice of his name, or OM ,
whatever name you think it is go for it , freedom of religion .

there was a tim ethat we thoght all colored people were bad, but yet others knew different, society was bigoted, now we know only bad actions are bad, and white is a color anyway too ,

there was a time when we thought all drugs were bad, even though we used tea, and prescriptions, and etc, and yet other people knew it was just as silly as slavery ,
there will be a time when our policies are not based upon divide and conquer fear and hate tactics of a power authority that is really strange and bizarre to behold in their humpty dumpty like way

we love them usre , but we are the people

so let me put it this way , as i have said before, the drug war is a lie,
an addiction is a disease
and a NON ADDICTION is personal liberty
know the difference ,

a white person that shoots someone is a killer
its not BECAUSE HE IS WHITE that he is bad,

the same applies for all races

now i tel you some of the greatest people in our history love psychdelics, the man who discovered DNA was a double helix spiral, although yogis of India already knew that, ida and pingala form this helix spiral in their system of prana... disvoered so under the influence of LSD, crick was his name
LSD has healed more lives than it will ever destroy , but anything used recklessly is dangerous

including a book,

every 4 years 1 or 2 people will do something foolish enough on psychedelics to get media attention ,
and yet every year 300,000 die from alcohol .

mdma saved a woman from constant fear and terror after being raped, 1 dose fixed her anxiety problem for good
about 12 people in hundreds of millions of users of mdma die .
300,000 die a year from alcohol
while alcohol can have good uses , the mdma heals post traumatic stress disorder, selfishness, and the bigotry that gets inserted into large fat men that try to be something they are not, then go to therapy wondering why its so hard to "open up "

the man who made ecstasy popular was a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus, and he felt it was a blessing from God, he gave it away for free for a long time,

see now ?
when you lie that all black people are __
all drugs are __________

this is the devil speak running the nation, okay ? the opposite of the devil is not jesus its just standing up for what is good, so in a way its jesus but other religions are beautiful too and god does not hate fags
god might hate those who hate fags

let us stop this , okay ?
let us stop this
i know of a person who is almost entirely deaf and when he takes mdma he can hear with absolute clarity and it makes him weep with gratitude and joy , now tell me ,

will you rise up , with love, and gentleness, and end the war on drugs , which is a war on your personal freedom and harms peaceful people jus tlike you that are practicing religion or recreation , ? after all an aaddict is only a medical patient not a criminal, and a non addict is not hurting even himself, so let us , see

the only other issue is regulation of comerce, if you let the black market regulate it then its going to be available for sale to school children withotu quality control, if you let thee white market regulate it then, no you wouldn't go take some heroin i hope , but maybe you would see what this , unconditional love, thing, is about and say that was so nice perhaps once a month for me, why not, better than a glass of tea or too much booze

and then again, that's just because you deserve to be treated with basic dignity and humane respect as a human being allowed to make decisions for yourself

if you choose to abstain go for it

don't ruin other people's choice

killing is not a freedom
killing is not drug use
killing is not homosexuality
crimes create injured parties, they are violent, harm against property and theft is in a way violence in many manners, so think about this and be free with me ,

if you belove at all in god repeat THE NAME OF GOD ,
it will get you FREE n spirit and heart and mind, without that you are not "saved"

if you don't, repeat OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM and go into the supreme absolute peace that science explains as "states of brain , alpha, theta, delta, etc "

any man who believes in Jesus but does not receive the LIGHT that brings about radical bliss and absolute unconditional love, transforming their entire lie and constantly being filled with holy spirit

is not saved
the only , or best way to do that is to use his name as a mantra, get it ? THat is the teaching. I'm sorry some people broke the teaching to steal money fro you y teaching wrong views about being "saved" but , the good news is, give this a try , see how happy you can TOLERATE being !

now get hence with the lies
you say ecstasy damages the brain
the only study that proves that is a study of methamphetamine injected into monkeys at near lethal dosages, so , yes , meth , when you LI and say its mdma to ban freedom because you are just a mean head, damages your brain
but propaganda is even more dangerous to ur brain anyway

the bottom line is this , when you drink booze you damage about everything in your entire body worse than just about any other drug you can use

so the question is if you are doing something only once in a while, you dont ski every single day usually , then how bad is that thing

football damages your brain, get clunked in the hed wrong ur dead
okay ?
you can't OD on pot ( OD meaning die , take too much ) or LSD, or mushrooms , and its very very very hard to on ecstasy
it is very very easy to on alcohol,

when the products are legal they are supreme quality and available only to responsible adults of legal age, and if the adults are addicted they go get help , and if they aren't they just don't drive intoxicated, and guess what, the world is a better place.

1 comment:

  1. a possible argument is DO YOU ( as in , me the author ) actually love ? the answer to that is who are you to ask that, someone wanting to argue ? I ask if you love to see if i can inspire you to have more love and kindness in your life, know what i mean ?
