I would supremely appreciate paypal donations. The reason is simply because it would be a wonderful and encouraging thing to see the support and generosity from others .
So far 73 have viewed this blog, adding just $2 to this and I would have enough money to go have a nice meal. I have been longing to have a good meal of Indian food at a nice restaurant for over a month. This blog is my only source of income besides ebay , and so a generous paypal donation here and there simply because I am a person and I would love and appreciate that, is a great thing.
Donating is an act of love when you take a trivial amount of money $5, 25 , 50 , depends on your prosperity , and give it to someone. You will not miss that money and nor will your abundance be depleted. By all of you doing this you will really help someone start a life for himself and support his wife and be able to move to a place where he ( me ) can be self sufficient in teaching yoga classes and working with alternative health to heal people.
I have made the process of donation very incredibly simple for you. Here is my paypal button!

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