Friday, February 4, 2011

REmember, love and REspect

if it isn't loving or gentle and kind don't do it

don't go to a devils bible of lies about why its okay to hurt a brother
well the nation said i should shoot the protesters gotta serve my country
what country

only the constitution ( golden rule ) is a divine law, all else is fascist law , no matter what a nation sez, don't shoot peaceful people, you're on the wrong side of the equation, the side that is being phased out by GOD

well he was goin 2 imaginary units over an imaginary number but he looks like a good driver time to steal his money for my country
what ?
do unto others it goes without saying, as you would have them do unto you

know how many tailgaters, the drivers that ARE dangerous , get pulled over, instead of speeders ? Its safer to do 75 and respect traffic never doing anything dangerous or sudden than to do the LIMIT while being behind some dudes fender for 27 miles, think about it

intelligence not devil bibles of delusion manifesting as somehow its okay to hurt someone but deep inside i know its not

the greatest way to rule is very delicately , if at all, we are self ruling people anyway , the forces are for intervention in cases of violence, maybe slight regulation but not forbidding normal expressions cus they're different, difference is the norm

remember the only crimes are that which cause a living injured party , they are countable on one hand, murder rape theft vandalism, etc

get it

now think about it

love your people

love them

to do that you need to know peace of mind

to do that you need to do something enjoyable, every day , that is nice, in fact you need to enjoy everything you do

that is easy if you intend it but remember you are not serving anyone but "GOD" or yourself , your true self

so devote everything to that , and devote it in kindness, think outside the box , because no good art is made in the box, in the box is where all the suffering insanity and suicides and horrible , anguished souls exist

they are commanded
or limited

or abused

or hurt
or judged

to make the world a good place, think your own thoughts, you won't find truth so much all in one in anyone, some say its in the Bible or the Qoran but if you don't see it and disagree then read it frowning as if something is wrong with you then they control you
i don't know any christian that should be a muslim and vice versa, maybe a few, its about free will , that is gods wish anyway,
you have a conscience and you are smart
don't act like you are tiny , but don't be a false sort of rajo guna huge

think about it , millions of ways to express the same rose , different people see different things
freedom comes from respect and love and dignity

its okay for people to be "gay"
i don't have to be , they can be
i don't HAVE to be,
whats it matter to me ?
do i want to worship hate and the devil and go out hating groups of people i don't know ?
no , that sends me to hell long before i die i am well on my way
i mind my own business by the real golden rule
then its okay if they are there
if a vote is up for banning gay marriage that is like voting to ban being white , and to kill white people sure its more mild than killing but its just as stupid , so i would vote no
even if i think its gross, i am allowed to think its gross AND they are allowed to act that way
i don't defend marriage by making 2 people that LOVE each other and WANT to get married suffer
that makes me a dick
that makes me more evil than they are
so i would never do a stupid thing like that
and this applies to everything in our social world
respect and love,
diversity is not for you , your own CHOICE is for you
and so let other people CHOOSE

consequences are natural,
the consequence of eating oreos is not being fed to a grizzly bear because people decided to do some ore prohibition propaganda caompaigns,
the consequences are just the natural consequences
get it ?
freedom is real america

i mean yes , oreos are gross, bad for you , don't get you happy for more than 12 seconds, make you feel miserable afterwards, throw your body into unhealthy mode
but so what, eat them if you want, so what
so what

i can't throw you in my dungeon for eating oreso , we are all sovereign here, and that is divine law

anyone who violates divine law is punished beyond this life time, believe it or not you will be if you do ,
you are held accountable you are a damn fool to cheer hitler on , why , germans, did you agree with his inane views ? you should have booed him off stage, you aren't helping germany by killing jews
you aren't helping america with a drug prohibition war
its genocide without the murder
just as wrong tho

the obligation of good people is to speak the truth , and they will speak it differently
the obligation of smart people is to let the truth come in and disagree politely , without making a scene, or without even expressing your disagreement ( THIS IS KEY )
because you assume that we are all here for TRUTH and so by letting go of what doesn't seem right and instead , invoking its opposite, politely , we grow together in understanding

and at the end of the day
good sir i may not agree with what you smoke but i will defend to the death your right to smoke it

adulst are adults, they do what they want,
its wrong if they harm another , the harm from drugs is either non eixstant ( with many drugs this is true ) , or from the LAWS, get it ?

yes its harmful to be a chess dealer in FREEDOM LAND where chess is illegal becuase it makes your brain smart and that makes you dangerous to ALMIGHTY FREE PRESIDENT FREEMANDUDE , but , its not that chess is bad,
its just someone was violating divine law by restricting individual liberty

this point needs to be understood by the many because they are deficient in knowing right and wrong from fascist dictation by smug faces , faux news

so the harm is either self harm or the harm of laws, know what i mean ?

so be a good person , do good, work for good, strive to have love

you have to say , at the end of it , god bless it , to what bugs you , people on the highway , etc,
its all coming back to you ,

please donate based upon value and worth of these words, it is my only income, you are usually able to give at least $5 if you are rich give a good amount, say $4000, $45, $100 , etc this is love, when someone spends their time to improve your experience they deserve a compensation of some sort. if you're wealthy $5 is like a penny to me so don't give something small, if you're wealthy give something like $1000 , that's only common sense.

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