Monday, February 7, 2011

one way to put it .....

is what you are doing bringing you love

or an inferior sort of pleasure that over time leads to boredom ?

now , there are things that give you a lot of joy

yoga, mantra chanting ( within any religion not just yoga religion , the names of god are tremendously healing and powerful )

eating right

you can always take it higher ,
i mean if you turn on tv at all its like you're sort of poisoning yourself, what good can you find on it , some funni cartoons ?

at best ,

maybe a good documentary

but guess what th einternet has them for free, with adblock plus , and without commercials, so ,

think about it you can get your favorite cartoons for free, the tv is crap , all the shows you might enjoy on it you can find for free on the internet anyway , what are you paying for it for ?

then again i guess if it brings you REAL JOY , DOES NOT TEACH YO HATE, DOES NOT INVOKE VIOLENCE OR BELITTLING OF PEOPLE ( looks sternly at the fockseey news, you know who i'm talkin to ) then hey , hey

maybe its good

i think someone , smug smileyman said that pot leads to ter____rism , and liberals will destroy america, so casually , that he was the one using terror

as far as i know everyone using pot will lead to absolutely no violence, lets spray it in the skies over war zones and get mellllooooo

see how easy solutions instead of violence are ? you can do that you know
spray lsd or mdma over a war zone okay ?

and then like

then people are like WHOA MANNN

i mean at leas tits smarter than violence,

okay , not that we should do that , but the space friends ought to if they are enlightened anyway and divine in nature ,
because they CAN

my blog doesn't have a point but it does
my high school friend is not in college anymore why did i go to floor 9 of his dorm in my dreams only to inform him that he no longer lives on floor 9

but 9 is a good number, what does that mean ? lots of things,

do you inform people that they are dreaming while you dream ? do they care ? mine really usually don't seem to care ,

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