Saturday, February 19, 2011

yoga is very easy !

yoga is something that almost every-body can do
all you have to do is something like this stand up , and lean forward, don't stretch, just dangle, dangle and let your arms hang, now breath for about 21 breaths, if this is comfortable, you will expand just due to gravity ,
even doing that makes you have a nice level of energy and prana, if that is all you do .
and voila, what else can you do ? even if you are very unflexible you can try to the cobra
all you really need to do is as little as 5 breaths and you are improving in health

some people are not able to do these things, so you can do cobra on a chair, by sitting the chair in front of you

but lets be reasonable, you have free time, so you can go for a walk if you need to be flexible enough to be able to do yoga poses, walk until you feel energized and healthy

now lets look at some of the simplest yoga poses and how , even the most unflexible person can benefit from them

here is down facing dog , you may not be able to do it perfectly but this matters not at all
by alternating from cobra, forward dangling ( i.e. forward fold ) and not laughing at the simplicity of this healing, you can simply totally purify yourself,
5 - 10 breaths in each pose alternating creates flexibility

you will have a lot of energy and vitality and joy then, if you only persist in taking care of yourself

stress is a societal hallucination, a ghoul , a gremlin , a figment of our own confusion ,
yoga is the END of all stress and the beginning of all health and joy
yoga also aligns us with love, spirit, what some call god
this is why yogis say namaste to each other
it means i see divinity in you
when you calibrate with the love of healing your body mind emotions spirit and soul
then you will make the world a better place every where you go
almost all people can do yoga
if not you can do pranayama,
alternate nostril breathing.
to get the same benefits, but yoga is much STRONGER, albeit pranayama can take you higher over the time, the two go hand in hand to make you wealthy in spirit and health !

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