Monday, February 21, 2011

masculine people are stupid
they by default only know how to love if a woman is soothing them into doing so

now , what good is there in being prideful ? well joy at doing a job well done is a love experience but pride is a bit different
i'm proud of you is the kingdom of satan and i love you is the kingdom of heaven
you can be proud of shipping off people to a concentration camp, or persecuting ethnicities you can be proud of just about anything
murdering an animal as a pass time and saying that the eating of cancerous tortured flesh is good for your health and a normal part of nutrition
being a butcher
these things do not make the world worth living in
yes society scurvies but not really
when you take it into sattvic energy you experience such happines, love, bliss, and constant joy that you would never eat something that would throw you into hell, abort your spiritual awareness of god
and make you dull and lethargic and dense

there is no need for it !

a man is only a man if he tunes into the female within himself and radiates love, then he may radiate love in a masculine or female manner, or alternate between both, but guaranteeably the only true man is one like buddha, krishna, ghandi, etc, who is one with such love, such bliss, such joy , that he would never think of harming others such as the perpetuation of genital mutilation upon baby boys in the name of pride
joining a hate groupo
hunting or fishing
indeed , the sattvic passtimes of society are wonderful to behold but the rest is abominable and contributes to harsh homes to live in where the mother is loving and the father is an idiot with issues

it is hard for the older men that were upraised within satanic school thought systems of parental governance where force and punishment are used

anyone that NEEDS to punish someone should punish themselves for being such a dipshit as to allow the fostering of the misbehavior in another person , because without being the supreme example of righteousness the children will rebel and they should do it with such ferocity that you are overpowered with their reason , and recognize that they are more intelligent than you

the children of every generation always are,

the most conservative values are liberal to the core, love, respect for all life,
that is the real conservativism,

NEWS FLASH , you don't like the immigrants and their poverty YOUR CAPITALISM CREATED IT , YOUR DRUG WAR PERPETUATED IT

we are the ONLY NATION IN HJMAN HISTORY TO BAN DRUG USE, people LVOE TO GET HIGH , make sur ethey get high on good relatively safe drugs instead of booze and you have a very happy society , when you ban something people are doing and say that it is wrong, you are wrong, and they are not, then guess what, the minorities are experiening impoverishment and tyranny from drug lords

your fault

you build a wall then ? you just burned the whole world down with your tyranny , no walls, just open our hearts, you have to do it

society cannot be free market capitalism because that = the slavery system we have now
we have to take part in giving everyone VERY VERY VERY GOOD , non dogmatic educatino , platos republic in a way , enlightened individuals , the smartest and the very best, teaching people to be inspired to participate in a vision of cooperation where freedomn in our free time is allowed in all expressions but a person is never having any desire to harm or steal because we all have so much equal and fair distribution of resources

if a good meal costs $25 then our minimum wages must be $50 an hour, working for more than 4 hours to just get enough money to barely survive, or to be able to bloat yourself to death on fast food , that is satans system.

a CEO that takes more $ than his workers is a tyrant !

presumably all people coud be self made men but i don't think they have the karma for it
how can Juan Impoverished decide to become a supremey succesful businessman, rising up to do some sort of capital voodoo ? how can he do that sure he could conceivably but if every person became donald trump we would all probably starve to death, you can't have more $ than your slaves !

families share, tyrants rule . rule is not good , love is good. love is the rule, the golden rule is do unto others as you would have them do unto you

not he who has the gold makes the rules. because he who has the gold got it only through the cooperation of the entire world in mining, creating and forging gold, etc.

socialism is not evil , not the way it is being defined here, it can be if it is a ruse for somethign that is not socialism, but in fact, giving a very high minimum wage and employng edward bellanys system of a work army ,
where you do only a few years at most of general labor ( while getting the wages of a king i might add ) then go on to specialize in WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO , setting the hours through unions based upon ,
well read his book
its the only fair system

looking backward
edward bellany
YOU'RE CRAZY , yes, yes you are, for judging me instead of reading properly :)

instead of giving a false self of pride, which reeks of money and shows you sold your soul YEP MMHMM, this spunky funky caffeinated false face when inside you're hurting at the work force
stop being dumb, do your preferred spiritual mastery so that you are full of love and joy
and then be your true authentic joyful loving happy self, so that you don't have to put on a false face when you interact in the servitude of pieces of paper with funky looking old tyme dudes on them

if you can take time to be loving and joyful and full of bliss then you will be the person you try to pretend to be, and no one will find fault with you
when you are not you just make the world full of dead dreary clones

let the dead bury themselves, please hurry up , the righteous can bury the lats one .

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